Wednesday 19 August 2015

Enjoy and make your own Trini wine

Hibiscus Flower Wine

1-2 oz dried hibiscus flowers

2-1/2 lbs sugar

7 pt water

1-1/2 tsp acid blend

1 tsp yeast nutrient

1 pkg yeast

Note: Dried, whole or crushed flowers are available from many specialty and health food stores and are used to make a delicious tea.

Combine water and sugar and put on to boil, stirring occasionally until sugar is dissolved. Tie flowers in nylon straining bag and put in primary. Pour boiling sugar-water over flowers and stir in all ingredients except yeast.

Cover until water cools to room temperature. Squeeze flowers to extract maximum flavour and then discard flowers or use for tea. Add activated yeast, and stir. Rack to secondary, top up with water and fit airlock. Ferment 30 days then rack into clean secondary. Refit airlock and rack again after additional 30 days.

Salut Salut!

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