Sunday 16 August 2015

Tips to Drink Wine and Stay Thin

Most wine has anywhere from 130-175 calories per glass. If you’d like to find out the specifics on a particular wine, check out the wine nutrition facts infographic . The interesting thing about wine calories is that our bodies digest alcohol (ethanol) differently than we digest food because it is a toxic substance. Our bodies send excess ethanol into a complex metabolic process involving our liver which eventually releases acetic acid that is secreted (a.k.a. we pee it out) so it doesn’t all get converted to energy. It’s important to note that everyone’s physiology is different: women, Asians, Native Americans and Inuits secrete less alcohol than Caucasian males.

What’s weird is that if you are drinking at a rate higher than you can metabolize alcohol, you are more likely to NOT absorb all its calories. This doesn’t mean you can go out and drink a bottle of wine, it just means that alcohol calories are a little more forgiving than say… ice cream calories.
Do enjoy a glass of wine at the

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